It’s been one of those near-perfect days. Seventy degrees; the sun has shone bright and warm in the sky. A gentle breeze has rustled the leaves, fluttered the laundry on the line, and kept my wind chimes singing throughout the day.
The laughter of children mixed with bird song drifts through the window. The pollen drifts in as well, tickling my nose and irritating my eyes, but the flowers that are starting bloom in the garden, and the leaves covering the once-naked tree branches make it worth the sniffles and the watering eyes.
Everything about the day has been so peaceful. Nothing has hurried us along, leaving us to move in a quiet, easy pace. So many of our days are filled with frenzied activity, rushing from one place to another, one task to the next. Little time is spent breathing the fresh air and enjoying the sweet pleasures. We drop into bed at night, exhausted and depleted, only to start again the next morning, racing off to the next urgent task. We don’t notice the beautiful sunrise when the dawn breaks. We don’t notice the moon beaming in the night sky as the day ends. Our lives are so hectic that we miss the glory of God’s creation.
Today has been different. Gentleness has been the rule of our day. We haven’t been lazy; we’ve accomplished what needed to be done. The urgency has been absent, however, letting me just enjoy the wonderful life I live. God’s voice has spoken softly “Slow down. See this world I’ve created. Listen to the birdsong; admire the flowers blooming in the garden. Do you hear the waters dancing over the rocks in the stream? They’re dancing for you! Just slow down and enjoy it.”
And for once, I have. I’ve taken it in and rested in the arms of my Creator. I’ve allowed peace to replace the craziness. I have allowed myself to be a part of the world around me rather than running through it. We all need days like this, days of simple pleasures, days of refreshing. Don’t miss out on the beauty of creation because of the busyness of life. Watch the sun rise, admire the beaming moon. Dance to the music of a rushing stream or the chorus of birdsong. Take a few minutes to just be in this world. Enjoy the wondrous creation of our Lord!