“Then those who gladly received his word were baptized, and that day about three thousand souls were added to them.”  Acts 2:41 


Three thousand people saved – in one day, in one place, through the bold words of one man of God.  Not in one year or over many miles or through several missionaries – one day, one place, one man of God!  How incredible!  It gets better.  The man of God speaking with bold authority wasn’t Elijah or Moses, but Peter!  Peter – the rough and tough, the fisherman with the reputation for angry outbursts, the disciple who denied Christ three times.  The same Peter that Christ spoke to after the resurrection, “Do you love me Peter?” three times asked.  Three times Peter proclaims “I do Lord!”  “Feed my lambs.  Tend my sheep.  Feed my sheep, Peter,” Christ forgives and commissions him.


I look in the mirror of my life.  I see mistakes, hidden secrets of the past, denials.  I know the Lord has forgiven me.  I know my past is tossed into the sea of forgetfulness.  I know God has plans for me.  I know I have work to do.  How?  I want to be like Peter.  I want to radiate Christ so intensely that people receive and are saved.  I want to be so filled with His Spirit that people will be touched by His mighty power.  Not for my glory, but for His Kingdom.  I am so imperfect.  How could He possibly use such a person as me?


“Do you love me, Eileen?” I can hear Him asking.  “I do, Lord,” I answer.  “Then step out in faith.  Answer the call.  Stop analyzing it.  Stop questioning what I can do through you.  Step out.”


That isn’t easy.  I tend to see what I can’t do, the mistakes I have made.  Even as I tap out these words, I wonder why Jesus would call me to do anything for Him.  I want to serve Him, I want my life to be for His purpose.  Often, however, I find myself questioning every step He calls me to make.


We have to take those steps, though.  Just as Peter allowed Christ to move him into ministering to the early church, we have to allow Christ to move us into the position He has for us.  If Peter hadn’t answered Christ’s call, how many of those thousands would have never know the Lord?  If we refuse to take the steps, if we allow our own fears and shortcomings to hold us back, we won’t touch anyone for the Lord.


When we do move forward in faith according to the Lord’s calling, He will use us for great things for His church.  We can touch the lives of those in our family, home, community.  Our work for the Lord will touch someone.  Or, like Peter, we may have the opportunity to touch many.